Under the Jurisdiction ...

"Under the Jurisdiction of the Supreme National Council of France of the Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the 33rd and Final Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite": as tradition dictates, it is under these auspices and with this invocation that the work of all the Workshops and all the Brethren of the Jurisdiction is opened.

It is from the Supreme Council that all authority emanates, in the High Grades, of which it is the guardian and protector, in accordance with the Great Constitutions of 1786: that of constituting the Workshops, of appointing those in charge of them, of deciding on the Masonic career of the Brethren, of their appointment as well as their promotion.

This reality is not the simple reproduction of a dated historical scheme, but a forward-looking desire to establish the pacifying, harmonious and unifying reign of the Holy Empire, that is, not a political project (Masonry forbids any interference in this area), but the very goal that the Rite sets itself: to achieve the union, happiness, progress and well-being of the human family in general and of each man individually.

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